Pictured From Left To Right: Linda Ladd, President Of Fayette Samaritans, Pearline Booth Greene, President Of FDW, Connie James, Marcia Dunscomb, Dawn Oparah, FDW Members; And Trudy Early, Fayette Samaritans Volunteer.
FDW members delivered nonperishable food items, and made a financial donation to advance the mission and services provided by the Fayette Samaritans. The FDW ’s operational framework consists of four pillars: Support, Advocacy, Networking and Education (S.A.N.E.). The FDW seeks local charities to help that are in alignment with its S.A.N.E. pillars to support and contribute to the local community in a positive way. The Fayette Samaritans organization was selected as the Charity that would receive support during the month of December.