
Upcoming Events

General Meeting

August 17, 2024
1-3 p.m.
349 Kenwood Road, Fayetteville, GA 30214

Subscribe to our newsletter for a complete listing of August events like Letters & Lemonade, Street Campaigning, and Meet & Greet the Candidates.

Past Events

A Holiday Soiree

Celebrating All True Blue Women In Action

Hot Fun in The Summertime Party

Thank You For Helping Make Hot Fun In The Summertime a Great Success!

The 2024 Candidate Forum

Fayette Democratic Women Candidate Forum

FDW General Membership Meetings

Check out our Calendar below

We cover timely topics with guest speakers, candidate introductions, and organizational business. Please add the dates below to your calendar, and make sure you are signed up for our newsletter, so you will receive the announcements.

Our Calendar

Check out our upcoming and regularly scheduled events below.