FDW Celebrated Black History and National History Month with an Educational and Interactive Workshop. FDW members, Dawn and Ogechi Oparah, conducted a very enlightening interactive workshop on “Why we celebrate Black History Month and Women’s History Month: Things the...
The Washington Post The Georgia politician said she will decide about a Senate race by early April, but a White House bid, on themes of race and identity, is under consideration. Read the full story
NOW shares this vision and salutes the visionary who did so much to advance gender equality. We are committed to completing this mission with the ratification of the ERA in the states, and when we succeed, we’ll remember Birch Bayh with gratitude and affection....
During the FDW Feb 16, 2019, monthly meeting, Mr. Edward Ahmed Mitchell, a civil rights attorney who serves as Executive Director of the Georgia Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) addressed the group on American Muslims’ faith, customs, and...