The FDW annual luncheon held on August 18, 2018, was a spectacular event that provided candidates the opportunity to share their platforms & display campaign materials. The luncheon was well attended with over 200 guests & featured musical entertainment, a silent auction & two dynamic speakers:  Georgia WIN List Executive Director Melita Easters & Heather Fenton, President, NewPowerPAC who energized the audience in preparation for the 2018 Midterm Election.  The FDW also designed and sold T‑shirts & pins with the slogans: “Turn GA Blue” & “Women Will… Stand Up, Speak Up & Show Up”.  These items were a huge success.  The proceeds from the luncheon supported two nonprofits: More than $500.00 were awarded to Grandparents and Kin Raising Children, and Discovering Soldier Potential II, respectively.