FDW CALL TO ACTION: Help Georgia become the 38th State to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

First Watch these YOUTUBE clips to educate yourself:

There will be several other videos on this same subject. Watch a few for different aspects on the subject.

Next: Choose an action from the list or create your own. Log your results. Take photos for our website.

  • Inundate legislators with calls, emails, visits to their offices with well thought out reasons that they should ratify ERA
  • Write letters to the Editor and Op Ed pieces to newspapers
  • Post “educational” blogs on your social media
  • Invite your girlfriends for coffee and education
  • Host a postcard writing party to contact ALL (or your area only) legislators
  • Organize “Drop Ins” on your local legislator at the State or local office
  • Host a phone bank at lunch time
  • Invite your legislator to a town hall that you host
  • Join other women’s groups to support their actions around ERA


See:  senate.ga.gov and house.ga.gov for more information.  Let me know what you think our next moves should be: sherylcorke@mac.com.